All Young Adults, ages 18+, are invited to a fun & faith-filled trip to Letchworth State Park & the Abbey of the Genesee!
Together, we will explore and hike at Letchworth Park (enjoying the changing leaves and the picturesque views), enjoy some local cuisine, visit and pray at the Abbey of the Genesee, and enjoy some delicious Monk's Bread! (Don't forget your Rosary if you have one!)
While this trip is FREE to attend, we do ask that you kindly bring enough money to cover your own lunch and any snacks you may want or pack your meal. :)
Event Details:
Date - Saturday, October 19th, 2024
Location - Letchworth State Park & Abbey of the Genesee (Carpool leaves from St. Ambrose Church at 9am)
Time - 10am - abt. 5:00pm (If you need to leave early or come late, that is okay :)
Carpool departs from St. Ambrose Church at 9am
Parking - We suggest parking in the large parking lot behind St. Ambrose Church, close to the parish offices, near the clothing donation bin. We will meet you there before leaving for the Abbey of the Genesee.
*Important* The full itinerary is available upon request in advance.
Please RSVP with Luke at roc.converge@dor.org or give us a call at 585-502-8812