All Young Adults, ages 18+, are invited to a fall-themed afternoon trip only 30 minutes away!
Together, we will:
- Visit a local farm (Coyle's Pumpkin Ranch) - petting animals, picking pumpkins, fall themed decor, and walking around the area
- Visit McPherson's, a local family-owned Apple, Pumpkin, and homemade donut shop
- Walk around a small town (Caledonia), and visit Antique shops
- Conclude our trip with a 4pm Vigil Mass at St. Columba's in Caledonia!
While this trip is FREE to attend, we do ask that you kindly bring enough money to cover your own pumpkin and any donuts or fall decor you may want! :)
Event Details:
Date - Saturday, October 12th, 2024
Location - Caledonia-Mumford Area (Carpool leaves from Blessed Sacrament Church @12:30)
Time - 1pm - 5:00pm (If you need to leave early or come late, that is okay :)
Carpool departs from Blessed Sacrament Church at 12:30pm
Parking - We suggest parking in the large parking lot at the corners of Monroe, Rutgers, and Oxford Streets. We will meet you there before leaving for the Farms and stores.
*Important* The full itinerary is available upon request in advance.
Whether it Rains or Shines, the event will continue!
Please RSVP with Tyler at roc.converge@dor.org or give us a call at 585-502-8812