All Young Adults, whether Catholic, Protestant, or non-Christian, are invited to a NEW Small Group!
In this Small Group/Bible Study, we will enjoy fellowship and light refreshments before we dive into the Scriptures to learn more about the Gospel of John.
Discussion guides and program workbooks available for $25 by contacting Luke Nolan.
(If you would like to participate but are unable to cover the $25 materials fee, please let Luke know, as we have several kind and generous benefactors who would happily cover the cost so you can still participate. Do not let the cost prevent you from participating).
Event Details:
Dates - Every other Sunday, beginning September 4th, 2024, ending December 11th, 2024. (NO Session on Wednesday, November 27th)
Location - St. Ambrose Church (In the Offices) The address is 25 Empire Blvd., 14609
Time - 6:30pm - 8:00pm (If you need to leave early or come late, that is okay 🙂
Parking - We suggest parking in the large parking lot behind the Church, ideally closer to Culver, next to or near the Yellow Clothing Donation bin. Signs will be available to help you find you way!
Light refreshments will be available, but please consider bringing a light snack to Pass
Please RSVP with Luke at roc.converge@dor.org or give us a call at 585-502-8812